Dunbar senior Chen Hao Jiang is working with world-renowned chef Ouita Michel in an effort to properly show off authentic Chinese cuisine. The pair will be hosting a four-course dinner titled "The Jiang...
As a black teen in America, I don’t often see representation in the media. Black women in the media are often portrayed as an “angry black woman” or “ratchet” while black men are seen as “hood”...
This morning started like any other, I walked into my study hall and sat down to begin my school day. Over the intercom Principal Betsy Rains announced that 31 teachers were absent.
On Jan. 18, we learned...
There’s nothing that screams holiday cheer like baking goodies for the people you care about: cookies, cupcakes, brownies, the list of treats goes on and on. However, despite how simple the recipe may...
Students at Dunbar have been doing NTI/2DL (non-traditional learning/ distance learning) for almost a year now. The two main platforms used for learning during this time are Google Classroom and Canvas....
Due to COVID-19, March 13 was the last normal day for many teens in Lexington. Between the stress of uncertainty and being stuck inside for months, it’s only normal to see a change in teens' mental health....