Easy At-Home Crafts

Staff reporter Vanessa Alonso suggests ways to pass the time while staying inside.

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  • Drawing is often mistaken to be a stressful hobby that only “talented” artists can enjoy, but this could not be further from the truth. Drawing is a hobby that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter how good or bad they may think they are. There is no way to correctly draw. All you need is a pencil, paper, and an imagination to be able to create something truly amazing.

  • Making something out of yarn is a big challenge for most people, but that’s just a better reason to do it with friends. Making blankets for friends is something that everyone can enjoy, and since it takes quite some time to make a full-length blanket, you’re guaranteed to have something to do while enjoying each other’s company virtually or in person.

  • Learning something new can be so refreshing, especially since you can pick whatever instrument you please and you will be doing it out of your own enjoyment rather than for a grade. Music is a beautiful way to express feelings and emotions, and whether it’s something as small as a harmonica or as big as the bass, there is an instrument for everyone.

  • Learning to speak a new language is both useful and fun. Using apps such as Duolingo that help you stay on track and evaluate your progress can really help people of all ages learn a new language.

  • Baking is such a fun activity to do with your family, friends and even by yourself. It is so exhilarating being able to get messy and have fun with what you’re doing rather than being stressed and uptight about certain situations. Baking not only adds a lovely aroma to wherever your cooking, but it also gives you a tasty dessert that’ll be sure to make anyone’s heart warm.

  • Journaling is such a simple and short task that only takes five or 10 minutes at the end of your day. Picking up a small journal and pen and letting out all the emotions and feelings you had throughout your day can be so relaxing and can be an outlet to connect to yourself more.

  • Coloring books are a hobby that you can do mindlessly. It is so peaceful to watch all the colors you put on a paper blend so beautifully together. If you can’t find a book you like, there are thousands of different designs you can print off from the web that will be sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

  • Painting rocks is not only an excuse to get fun with paint but it also gets you to go outside. Going out just to find the perfect rock to paint can be an adventure in itself. Then you’ll get to take that perfect rock home and paint something small and sweet on it that you’ll be able to keep and carry around forever.

  • Calligraphy will take a little bit more patience and concentration than other hobbies, but the end product is so beautiful and if you have the patience will very much be worth the work. Calligraphy pages can be found on the web and you can find just about anything you please to write. Calligraphy is a fun skill that you can develop with all the spare time that we have.

  • Pottery is an easy and cheap way to pass time. Tubs of clay can be found in Kroger, Target, Walmart or anywhere that sells Crayola products for a low price. Molding clay into small animals, foods, or just blobs of clay will have your mind entertained for long periods of time and it is guaranteed that you won’t be bored for a second.

  • Painting never fails to be relaxing. Watching fine strokes of a brush spread out and blend all the paints put on the canvas is so mesmerizing and in the end everything comes together to make a masterpiece. As with drawing, there is no right or wrong way to paint because your mind is free to paint however it pleases.