World Language Opportunities at PLD

Students at Dunbar are fortunate to have many opportunities available through Dunbar’s world language department which includes instruction in German, French, and Spanish.

Here’s what they’ve been up to this past month:


The German Club hosted an international tour bus on Sept. 30. A company brought the Wanderbus to Dunbar for German students to dive deeper into the cultural roots of the language they’re studying. Dunbar’s German classes had the chance to play fun games and experience virtual reality, along with other cool things.

“I was very excited when I found out that the Wunder Bus was coming to Dunbar because we’re the only school in the state of Kentucky that gets this bus and it’s a very big initiative and an honor,” said German teacher Mrs. Christi Elkins-Gabbard.


Dunbar’s French Club had a Morrocan Dinner at their meeting on Sept. 30. A special speaker attended the meeting to teach students more about French culture. Different ethnic food such as rice, falafel, and grape leaves was served so students could see and taste typical Morrocan cuisine. 

“The food, the culture, the scenery… I’m interested in finding out more about it and seeing how the kids can find out how there’s more out there,” said French teacher Ms. Jennifer McNely.


The Spanish department has several events going on this month and in the coming months, including Hispanic Heritage Month and the Day of the Dead.

The Day of the Dead is the first two days of November, where people decorate altars with colors and flowers in order to lure the spirits of their deceased loved ones back to the world. There are hopes for spirits or souls to visit the altars and allow the living to experience the deceased presence again.

“I haven’t been able to experience that whole celebration of life really, it’s a celebration of life rather than mourning and death,” said Spanish teacher Ms. Rebecca Kelly.