Dunbar Volleyball Keeps Up Winning Streak

Volleyball played Eastern on Oct. 4 and won 3-0.

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  • #3 Caroline Cole is high fived by her teammates as she’s announced.

  • The bulldogs huddle up before the game begins.

  • #10 Sophomore Jane Durbin jumps for joy after a great play made by Dunbar.

  • Sophomore Lauren Spanyer digs a high ball for Dunbar.

  • #2 Lauren Spanyer dives and digs a ball for the bulldogs.

  • #8 Sophomore Olivia Stotz is aggressive from the service line for Dunbar.

  • #18 Peyton Gash swings high for an attack.

  • #14 Eleanor Davis explodes in for a strong attack against a big block.

  • #21 Meredith Phillips jump sets the ball to senior Savannah Dudek.

  • #11 Senior Savannah Dudek goes up for a big attack for Dunbar.

  • #3 Libero Caroline Cole pushes hard for a ball.

  • Freshman libero Caroline Cole digs a strong attack from Eastern.

  • #12 Meredith Phillips jump sets a ball to her hitters.

  • Junior Meredith Phillips sets a backwards for Peyton Gash to attack.

  • The bulldogs celebrate after scoring a great point.

  • #13 Virginia Smith and #14 put up a solid block against Eastern.

  • Sophomore Peyton Gash gets a block touch.