Bulldogs Fall Behind Broncos In Second Half

Girls’ Basketball Loses to Frederick Douglass 49-60 on Feb. 9.

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  • Sophmore Justice Biggerstaff shoots from the free-throw line. The guard made 3 free-throws in the game.

  • Sophmore Justice Biggerstaff tries to beat the shot clock and takes a tough shot.

  • Sophmore Justice Biggerstaff blocks a Broncos player from advancing past the 3-point line.

  • Sophmore Bella Rusing shoots from the 3-point line, barely dodging a Douglass defender.

  • Sophmore Bella Rusing jumps to knock a Douglass shot off-course.

  • Senior Aziah Campbell takes a shot at the free-throw line. Campbell made all of her attempted free-throws in the game against the Broncos.

  • Sophmore Amber Brandon shoots from the 3-point line before a Douglass defender can reach her.

  • Senior Aziah Campbell takes a 3-point shot from far behind the line.

  • Senior Quinn Arnold attempts a 3-point field goal but is unsuccessful.