The Forgotten Class of 2021
The class of 2021 hasn’t gotten anything but sympathy. We didn’t work hard all these years just for that.
It’s still unclear whether the class of 2021 will get to have an in-person prom or graduation.
This year has certainly not been the best. There has been a pandemic, protests, a presidential election, and school closures. It has been hard on everyone, no matter who they are. People have been laid off, in fear of losing their jobs; teens have been on technology more, becoming more lonely; children have not been able to see their friends, and school isn’t fun to do anymore.
Every other high school senior got to enjoy some type of senior year experience, except the class of 2021. We feel forgotten.
I have always imagined my senior year to be the best year of my high school experience, but I was wrong. The pandemic has dramatically impacted my senior year of high school. All of my upperclassmen friends always enjoyed the experiences they were able to have in their senior year: the senior dinner dance, homecoming, and prom. I completely understand why they haven’t had these dances, but I think that if we all wore masks and were socially distanced, then we should be able to attend one.
I recall when my friends and I were having a hard day at school, we would always say, “I can’t wait till we are seniors.” And I take that back. I wish I could go back and be a freshman or sophomore. My senior year has been the hardest one of them all. I’ve had to complete the typical application process of applying to colleges online, trying to apply to scholarships, and balancing schoolwork, but now I have to face the added challenge of online learning.
The class of 2021 has worked just as hard as everyone else to get some recognition. I just wish that we would get some.
Even with the hard times, I know there are some positive things that are happening. Teachers have been getting their COVID-19 vaccines, and spring sports are coming up soon.
But all I have to say is congratulations, class of 2021. We are so close.

My name is Payton Coulter and I am a senior at Dunbar. I am one of PLD Lamplighter's Editors-In-Chiefs, and I'm in charge of the PR, HR, and Business teams....