What Flattening The Curve Really Means
Since March the phrase “flattening the curve” has increasingly become a household phrase. It refers to the protective measures taken in order to decrease the rate of COVID-19 transmission from person to person.
Several in Dunbar’s community said that they have decided to help flatten the curve simply by staying home and practicing social distancing.
“I’m mostly staying inside and avoiding contact with anyone outside of my family,” senior Lea Yiannikouris said. “It’s the best thing we can do until we find a cure.”
However, despite persistent warnings to practice social distancing issued by public health officials, some people continue to ignore the threat of COVID-19 by refusing to social distance.
Governor Andy Beshear even announced that a Kentucky resident contracted COVID-19 at a “coronavirus party.”
“Anyone who goes to something like this may think that they are indestructible, but it’s someone else’s loved one that they are going to hurt,” Gov. Beshear said. “We are battling for the health and even the lives of our parents and grandparents.
Although going out and spending time with friends and loved ones seems better than being cooped up in the house, cautionary measures such as self-isolation and social distancing are vital to decreasing COVID-19’s impact.
Regardless of how young and healthy a person may be, anyone can still be a carrier of the virus and spread it to those more vulnerable such as the elderly and those with preexisting conditions, so flattening the curve really means to make a small sacrifice, like staying home, in order to prevent the dire consequences of COVID-19.

Hi there! My name is Victoria Bravo, I am an Editor-in-Chief, I love hiking, and I hate ham. I oversee our writing department and I supervise all articles...