How soon should you begin the College Application process?
Students should start to consider what college they want to attend once they’ve graduated high school.
Starting the college application process is stressful and can make one nervous, but there are many ways to cope with this stress. There is a lot to do, the stakes are high, and you’re dealing with major decisions that will impact your future.
Most college applications consist of an ACT/SAT score, an official high school transcript, and your social security.
Along with turning in applications to college comes rejection. It is always important to have more than one option in schools you are applying to in case you don’t get accepted into the school you were hoping. Always have a few in mind to apply for.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Counselors, former students, and your parents can help in this process. Guidance counselors are trained professionals whose jobs are to provide students with the information necessary to help in this process.
Another good thing to do is apply for scholarships before the end of high school that’ll help ease you into paying for the college you’ll be attending. Make to sign up for FAFSA, a tool that’ll ensure that you can apply for student financial aid.
It is also important to write an admission essay when applying to most colleges. This will give you the opportunity to let the admission officers know who you are and what your intentions are for a future at school. Be honest with them to see if they are willing to help. Make sure you give yourself enough time, the more amount of time you have, the less stressed you’ll be. Let a parent, teacher or counselor revise your essay before you submit it to the college.
As a Senior, you have multiple deadlines you must meet. Around November, you have an early decision deadline. This allows you to hear from college sooner than those who didn’t apply for early action. There is also a mid-late deadline, typically around March-April. The last day you have to decide on college is May 1st. This is when you’ll deposit the necessary money to be enrolled in the following school year.
Former students will give you the advice to begin this process as soon as you can. The later you start, the less amount of time you have to complete and meet all the deadlines.

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