Falling For Fun


My friends and I having fun in the fall.

As it starts becoming fall season, many enjoyable activities are options such as college football games, Keeneland races and, of course, Halloween.

A popular event is Lakeside Live: a free, live music show with lots of restaurants and shopping centers. The best part of these activities is spending it with your friends and family.

Scarefest is another fall activity at Rupp Area. This event has cars that are possessed by evil spirits. 

If you want a different option you could go to the University of Kentucky’s football games, as they start up their 2019 football season. 

As October is right around the corner, haunted houses begin to open. The two most popular “scare grounds” are Wicked World and Fright Nights at Jacobson Park.

At Wicked World, there are three attractions: Nightmare Haunted House, The Hunted, and Welcome to the Valley of the Dead. Nightmare Haunted House is about a girl who has the power to bring her dreams to life, but her dreams later become twisted. The Hunted is about a man who started putting other people’s body parts together. And Welcome to the Valley of the Dead is about a man, Earl Piper, who was in a traumatic gas fire incident, claims he now sees dead people. These are two very popular attractions, getting your tickets ahead of time will prevent long wait times. 

If you are looking for a more laid back event, Transylvania’s Pumpkin Mania is perfect for you. Pumpkin Mania is where the alumni of Transylvania University and anyone who signs up to participate make carved pumpkins and light them all up on the steps of Old Morrison.