Cozy Sweaters and Warm Smiles
January may be coming to an end, but the cold isn’t going anywhere. We took to the halls to check out Dunbar’s sweaters and smiles.

I am a senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar High in Lexington, and I was previously a student at Monache High in Porterville, California. I have had an interest...

Hi! I'm Alexander, a staff member going into his second year of PLD Lamplighter. I've been doing photography since the age of 7, mostly documenting my...

My name is Vincent Kamark. I am a staff reporter here on PLD Lamplighter. I take pride in some of the articles I have written, mainly the Nuclear Energy...

My name is Pitipak Sooksamdaeng and here is a little bit about me. I have changed my mind about 10 times on what I want to do, hopefully jouranalism will...