Protests Against Trump
The Trump Rally in Lexington on Nov. 4 spurred downtown protests
Victoria Bravo, Staff Reporter|November 5, 2019
A unique sign that showed a play on President Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again.”
People conversing in the early goings of the protest before Triangle Park got packed with protesters yelling their cause.
The vacant lot of what was once a teaming watch party that cleared out as more republicans walked onto the stage to make speeches.
A photo of the protesters set up blocking Main Street at South Broadway.
The early goings of the protest did not feature much chanting or many people, most simply held up signs or conversed with one another.
Protesters were there to speak out against many Republican Party members, especially Matt Bevin, President Trump, and Mitch McConnell.
Many street vendors looked to take advantage of the situation and were selling everything form rubber ducks to flags in support of the president.
A close up of the protest at the climax of the event with many signs with slogans mocking the president.
The early hours of the protest when the chants were brewing and the tensions started to rise.
A man holding a sign present at the climax of the protest using a play on the president’s name.
Hundreds of protesters filled Triangle Park in downtown Lexington to make their voices heard on the issues they believed to be important.
A man posing as Abraham Lincoln displaying signs with some of Lincoln’s more famous quotes on them with a small group of protesters behind him.
Two women holding a sign using a play on words, using the word “Trump” to mean both the name of the president and the word meaning to overcome and beat.
One of the many signs depicting a variant of the night’s most common chant, “Lock him up.”
Many of President Trump’s supporters filling into Rupp Arena, which was near capacity at 20,500.

Hi there! My name is Victoria Bravo, I am an Editor-in-Chief, I love hiking, and I hate ham. I oversee our writing department and I supervise all articles...