Technology Student Association Conquers State Competition
The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a club meant to help students explore future areas in career and college. TSA offers members opportunities within areas of leadership, innovation, design, engineering and STEM. There are competitions at the regional, state and national levels. Students complete projects for each competitive event from Technology Bowl and Essays on Technology to Animatronics and Dragster Design.
“Here at TSA I’ve made a lot of friends and you get to know your friends better. You get to live with them for 3 days and you obviously learn a lot of stuff. I get to make ridiculous videos with the scripts they give us for on demand with my friends and that includes pouring fake blood on my dog… It’s a lot about getting to know the people you are in TSA with and creating lasting memories,” senior Katy Overstreet said.
The Dunbar TSA team recently attended the state conference in Louisville. Senior Viri Sibaja received third in extemporaneous speech, junior Helen Pang received first place in coding, and the Dunbar Tech Bowl won second place.
The mission of the TSA is to enhance personal development, leadership skills and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math. Members apply and integrate these concepts into club activities, competitions and related programs.
These programs include LEAP (which stands for leadership, education, achievement, personal growth, Junior Solar Sprint), Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science, TSA VEX Robotics Competition, UNITE and The TSA 100.
“TSA has helped me improve in areas of STEM and I love it, ” senior Molly Grych said.

My name is Brooke and this is my 4th year on staff. I am one of the writing editors in chief this year.
Ever since my freshman year in the program,...

My name is Wenbo Fan and this is my fourth year on Lamplighter. Since starting Lamplighter freshman year, I’ve learned that journalism can change the...