Young Democrats Hold Voter Registration Drive

A voter registration drive for Dunbar students took place in the cafeteria during all lunches on Tuesday and Thursday. Although the drive was organized by the PLD Young Democrats club, it was a nonpartisan event to register students regardless of political affiliation.

Members of Dunbar’s Young Democrats reached out to Fayette County Young Democrats (FCYD) about running the drive.

“[Our goal was] to get as many students who would be eligible to vote to get registered. As citizens that’s really why we’re here… so we’re facilitating that. It’s a big concern that if people who are young don’t register and don’t vote, our country is in big trouble,” Young Democrats president, senior Akhil Kesaraju said.

Approximately 40 students registered as a result of the drive including junior Michael Corio.

“In our society, it’s important to be active in [politics],” he said. “We have this right to vote, we should take advantage of it. This is definitely a country that’s run by the people… It’s important to vote for the people that stand for the stuff that you believe in.”

Students who will be 18 by Nov. 6 and missed the drive can register to vote at the DMV, the county clerk’s office or by filling out a Voter Registration Card and mailing it to the State Board of Elections.