PLD’s Political Clubs
The PLD Young Democrats and PLD Young Republicans advertise their clubs through their respective political mascots.
The political scene here at Dunbar is tense with fierce rivalry-on one side, the small but sturdy group that composes the Young Democrats Club, while on the other hand, the crowded but strong Young Republicans Club.
Young Dems
The PLD Young Dems has roughly 12 members, and is sponsored by English teacher, Mrs. Wendy Turner. Senior Yutong Gu serves as president. They meet every other Tuesday in Rm. 203, and regular meeting activities generally include viewing political videos and holding discussions over current events.
The Young Dems recently held a social get-together with other high schools’ Young Democrats Clubs to watch videos and have discussions/debates. Actively being part of the community, the Young Dems are currently compiling Christmas gifts for those in need, through the Fayette County Young Democrats organization.
“I just want to see change,” said Gu.
Young Repubs
The PLD Young Repubs has no shortage of members and is sponsored by Mr. Chet Jenkins, with junior Parin Rekhraj as president. They meet monthly in Rm. 701. Generally, the PLD Young Repubs hold mock elections (via the computer) and debates.
Although there have been no recent activities due to finals, past club events have included taking field trips to Frankfort and bringing in multiple guest speakers working in the government for discussions about political beliefs.
“We are our nation’s future,” said Rekhraj.