What it’s Like To Go To Locust Trace
Locust Trace is an agricultural based school, where students mainly go if they are looking to have a career in things like vet science, equine (horses), agricultural mechanics like working on tractors and building wagons, aquaculture, or plant science.
It has everything a person would need to study their chosen pathway in Agriculture, not to mention it is considered to be the best agricultural school in the state of Kentucky.
Students who attend Locust Trace have to choose a pathway starting during their sophomore year. Freshmen who attend Locust Trace first must take Agriscience and Principals of Ag. The pathway that students choose to take mainly consist of the career they want.
As of right now, most of the students study vet science because they are wanting their career to be in that field, and Locust Trace is a really good school for that because it not only teaches you things you need to know to become a vet but during your senior year of high school they allow you to intern at the vet clinic that is on the school property.
Although Locust Trace is a relatively care-free school, there is still a relatively strict dress code in place to protect the students. For example, if you are mucking a stall in equine class and you were wearing shorts there is a good chance you would end up getting horse manure all over your legs. Another reason for Locust Trace’s rather strict dress code is in some of the classes you deal with liquids and materials that could harm you.
Locust Trace is still a great school and I would highly recommend it to any incoming freshman or sophomores.