Us Movie Review
A new horror film directed by the same man as ‘Get Out’ hit theaters this March.
Expectations ran high for director Jordan Peele’s new movie Us, which hit theaters on March 22. His 2017 breakout film Get Out had fans highly anticipating this new horror film.
‘US’ begins with a flashback to 1986 where young Adelaide Thomas (Lupita Nyong’o) is vacationing with her parents in Santa Cruz, California.
She wanders off and finds herself in a fun house on the beach where she encounters a doppelganger of herself in the Hall of Mirrors. Although it is a Hall of Mirrors, it is another very real version of herself, smiling creepily back at Adelaide.
Adelaide is reunited with family later, although traumatized and unable to communicate her experience to anyone.
It flashes forward to present day, where she is headed back to that same beach with her husband Gabe Wilson (Winston Duke), daughter Zora (Shahadi Wright Joseph), and son Jason (Evan Alex) to her family’s beach house.
After apprehension to go back to the very beach she had that traumatic experience, she gives in and spends the day at the beach with her family, and friends Josh and Kitty Tyler.
After a turn of events at the beach, the Wilson family decides to head home.
Later that night, a family of four appears in their driveway. They stand there, hands locked, faces unrecognizable.
This family turns out to be the doppelgangers of each Wilson family member.
The story takes off from there, following the journey of why the doppelgangers have mysteriously arrived, why certain events are occurring, and what they want. There are countless battles between the Wilson family and their doppelgangers. At every scene, a new twist and turn in the story line take shape.
This movie is a creepy, psychological horror film that leaves viewers with dropped jaws. The entire time I was in the movie theater, screams, yelling, and curse words could be heard echoing throughout the theater as people were left stunned.
Shock, disbelief, and fright waved over the audience multiple times, yet there were still a few places that incorporated comedic relief. Although very few, they were a nice break from the scare.
After viewing both Jordan Peele’s Get Out and Us, it is obvious they were meant to strike different cords. Both were chilling and thrilling but in different ways. Different fears were invoked in both movies so it’s hard to compare them with one another.
Us is a concept different than any other horror film I have seen. Doppelgangers are nothing new in the world of cinema, but the entire concept is a unique take.
If you are in the mood for jaw dropping scares and turns of events, check out ‘Us’ in theaters now.

My name is Olivia Doyle. This is my third year on staff and I am one of three Editors-in-Chief for Lamplighter. Last year, I was the Public Relations Manager...