
The game started out quite fast-paced and the Chiefs were quick to score three points pretty early in the game. They were followed by a touchdown and extra point by the Buccaneers.

During the second quarter, the Chiefs managed to score only three points again, while the Buccaneers ended up scoring two touchdowns and their respective extra points.

The first half of the game ended with the Chiefs trailing the Buccaneers very badly at 6-21, but there was still hope that the Chiefs could make a comeback in the second half after a halftime show featuring the Weeknd.

Doing a halftime show during a pandemic for one of the biggest sporting events in America was pretty nerve-wracking, but the Weeknd delivered with an amazing halftime performance and he performed some of his greatest hits. 

If you are a Chiefs fan, then the second half of the game probably broke your hopes for a repeat Chiefs victory.

The Chiefs ended up only scoring another three points while the Buccaneers scored ten. The Chiefs defense seemed really down during this game, which meant that Brady was set to win another ring.

Brady ended up winning MVP for Superbowl LV, and now with his seventh ever Superbowl win, he now has more wins than any other quarterback and any other NFL team.