Dunbar Cheer Wins UCA Regionals
Both Red and Black squads came in first place in their divisions at Rupp Arena on Nov. 11.
LeAnna Williams and Remy Milburn|November 14, 2017
The girls performing team toe touches.
Dunbar cheerleaders flipping during the pyramid stunt.
Black team chanting “Dunbar” for the crowd.
Seniors Miriam Ward and Macy Baker leading the “Dunbar” chant.
Dunbar performing their “Fight” cheer.
Dunbar cheerleaders chant Dunbar colors during a stunt.
Marissa Rajcan leading the cheerleaders in a stunt.
Senior flyer Julia Beard exciting the crowd with her stunt group.
Julia Beard is held in an arabesque stunt.
Junior and flyer Sophia Fister-Mesch performing a heel stretch during a stunt.
Sophomore Madison Woods yelling the “Dogs” cheer.
Junior Natalie Rowe and senior Julia Beard hyping up the crowd.
Junior Mallory Burke exciting the crowd during the cheerleaders’ “Dunbar” cheer.
Senior Cristina Thorson and Junior Mallory Burke spell out Dunbar’s name.
Audrey Hill stands in the middle of the pyramid while her teammates perform an inverted stunt.
Junior Natalie Rowe and Senior Julia Beard look towards each other mid pyramid.
Black team performing a stunt during their routine.

Remy loves photography, coffee, and Ed Sheeran. #livelovelamplighter