Tyler Gadd of Dunbar
Tyler Gadd, a Lexington native, plays on the varsity basketball and baseball teams.

Senior Tyler Gadd has developed into an outstanding student-athlete and leader. He is a captain of the varsity baseball team where he has played as both a junior and senior. All the while, Tyler’s signature attribute is his humility and easygoing personality.
Q & A
Q: What’s your favorite class?
A: I love PE.
Q: What do you do when you don’t play basketball in your free time?
A. I hang out with my friends and do pretty normal things.
Q: What can you do to get better at basketball?
A: I probably can, I’ve got to ask couch, but if you ask me I’ll say just run harder.
Q: What inspired you to play basketball/who inspired you to play basketball?
A: I always played it my siblings played it I just came along with it.
Q: When did you start playing basketball?
A: Since I was 5.
Q: What class gives you the most homework?
A: Algebra 2. I think it was my sophomore year. It was not fun. Good thing I do not have too many this year.
Q: Do you play any other sport besides basketball?
A: I play baseball as well.
Q: What’s your favorite basketball team?
A: I’ll go with the Warriors because I love watching Steph Curry.
Q: Will you play basketball past high school?
A: Nah why not I’m not as athletic as the basketball players in college.
Q: What do you prefer: basketball or baseball?
A: I’ll say basketball right now just because I’m here, so basketball.
So, that’s Tyler for you. After this winter basketball season, he’ll head straight into the spring baseball season.
Cristhian Mejia Aranda and Vidal Elotlan Rivera contributed to this article.

Hi, I'm Nathan! This is my second year on staff and my first year as the Sports Editor. One of my favorite things to do is watch and analyze sports, but...