How to Be Involved on International Women’s Day
This year the day will be held on March 8.
In 1769, The United States decreed that women could not own property in their name, or keep earned wages.
In 1848, The Seneca Falls Convention was held, and the 300 attendees signed The Declaration of Sentiments, which consisted of a list of grievances made by women.
In 1920, women were finally allowed to vote by the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.
And in 1975, March 8th was declared International Women’s Day, to honor political, social, economic, and cultural changes that women across the globe have been working towards. Since then, the movement has spread and even more advancements have taken place, including the repeal of the restriction on women’s roles in combat, Saudi Arabian women gaining the right to drive, and here at home the United States had the first woman to earn the presidential nomination of a major party back in 2016.
International Women’s Day was created to celebrate these progressive steps in the Women’s Rights Movement, particularly after the strike of female garment workers from the Shirtwaist Factory in New York City in 1909. 110 years later in 2019, women and men alike continue to gather in early March and honor leaps like these within the movement.
Anyone can get involved in this commemoration, and there are several ways in which that can be done. Heavy involvement can include skipping work and/or school to march in rallies, participate in a walk for the cause, or even running a marathon in the name of the international holiday. Lighter ways to support consist of volunteering at a local women’s clinic, donating to women’s shelters, sharing a personal story on social media, and wearing red clothing/accessories.
2019’s celebration revolved around the idea #balanceforbetter, to raise awareness, celebrate the accomplishments of women, and strive for total gender-balance in our world. Though, this campaign won’t just end after March 8th. The community behind International Women’s Day is continuing with the theme and will use it to strive for “a gender-balanced world.” Those in charge are also asking everyone to put their hands out, strike the #balanceforbetter pose, and share their commitment to change with the world.
For more information, visit the International Women’s Day website.

I'm Teagan Garrison and I have been on Lamplighter for two years. I have been the Torch Podcast Editor for most of my time on staff, and can't wait to...