STLP Toy Drive Underway

STLP plans to “stuff the ambulance” with gifts on Dec. 9.

The Student Technology Leadership Program at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School is once again participating in the UK-organized toy drive. All proceeds go to kids at the UK Healthcare Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Donations must be brought in before December 7.

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  • All the toys must be submitted by December 7th.

  • STLP is asking for donations of toys, games, stuffies, and anything that a child would enjoy.

  • STLP is asking for donations of toys, games, stuffies, and anything that a child would enjoy.

  • The University of Kentucky sponsored toy drive is an annual tradition.

  • STLP’s motto for the drive is “fill this window, fill the hearts of the children with joy.”

  • STLP is asking for donations of toys, games, stuffies, and anything that a child would enjoy.