Yard Signs No Longer Just for Political Candidates

Many Lexington residents have placed witty and unique placards in front of their houses.

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  • Many unique signs have appeared around Lexington indicating that the owners would vote for “any functioning adult,” presumably indicating a lack of support for President Trump.

  • One house hung a Lawrence Ferlinghetti poem, “Pity The Nation,” outside their house. The poem is widely seen as a criticism of US intolerance and greed.

  • Some houses put up signs thanking postal workers after new postmaster general Louis DeJoy implemented operational changes that reduced mail service and were seen by some as risking the efficient delivery of mail-in ballots.

  • Some placed signs in their houses showing discontent with the current political system, such as this sign reading “OMG PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.”

  • Yard signs are common for members of both major political parties. Many houses have large signs or show their support for multiple candidates.

  • While less common, many Lexington residents still erected signs for candidates for local office, like the School Board sign shown here.

  • Amy McGrath signs were placed along downtown thoroughfares expressing support for the Democratic candidate for US Representative.

  • “We respect and support Lexington police” signs became common at the start of Black Lives Matter protests this summer. Many houses are still expressing their support for law enforcement officers.

  • While some households expressed support for the police during and after protests, others were more supportive of the ongoing racial justice movement.

  • Yard displays include more than just signs. This household hung Trump paraphernalia on their stairs.

  • Some signs make literary references, including to English novelist George Orwell, author of novels like 1984 that criticize authoritarianism.

  • Many Kentuckians expressed admiration and support for Gov. Andy Beshear and his response to the pandemic with signs like this one.