Drama Department Performs Almost Maine

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  • Phil (George Gordan) goes off on his wife Marci (Savanna Montgomery) about not telling the truth and saying how she really feels about their relationship.

  • Phil (George Gordan) is left alone after his wife Marci (Savanna Montgomery) leaves him and drives away.

  • Phil (George Gordan) picks up his wife Marci’s (Savanna Montgomery) shoe after it falls out of the sky mysteriously after they just argued about theri relationship.

  • Marci (Savanna Montgomery) cries as her husband Phil (George Gordan) yells at her for not saying how she really feels about their relationship and how he “goes away” because she sent him there because their marraige is failing.

  • Gayle (Lucy Nunelley) realizes that she got mad at her boyfriend Lendall (Darin Hinshaw) for not proposing to her when he actaully had a ring made to store all of the love she gave him.

  • Jimmy (Griffin Roach) is talking to his ex-girlfriend Sandrine (Reilly Richardson) at the local Moose Patty when the waitress (Nicole Russo) interupts by asking if they were together.

  • Sandrine (Reilly Richardson) reveals Jimmy’s (Griffin Roach) tattoo that was supposed to say “Viilain” but instead it says ‘Villian”

  • Steve (Trey Switzer) shows Marvalyn (Jaycee Castro) his list of things that could hurt him that his brother provided him in order to protect him. Steve is able to feel pain so he depends on his list in order to know if something could cause damage.

  • Sandrine (Reilly Richardson) tries to be nice to her ex-boyfriend Jimmy (Griffin Roach) but tries to get back to her bachelorette party that she is missing.

  • The Almost Maine cast takes a bow at the end of their performance.

  • Danny (Jake Thomas) explains to Hope (Gabrielle Counts) that when she left him with no answer after he asked her to marry him, that it killed him every day. He tries to make her guilty even though she doesn’t recognize him.

  • Shelly (Mariana Arias) drinks a “Natty Light” out under the Northern Lights after expressing her dilemma with the last encounter she had on a date.

  • Deena (Emily Maggard) realizes that she actually fell in love with her best friend Shelly (Mariana Arias) after Shelley confesses her love for her and falls to the floor.

  • Gayle (Lucy Nunelley) is suprised to see her boyfriend Lendall (Darin Hinshaw) prpoose after he told her that all of the love she gave him could only fit in a engagment ring.

  • Jimmy (Griffin Roach) sees his ex-girlfriend Sadrine (Reilly Richardson) at a bar during her bachelorette party.

  • Glory (Aria Daffron) shows East (Addison Adams) that in her bag are the broken pieces of her heart, shattered by her ex-husband who recently passed.

  • Glory (Aria Daffron) is camping out in East’s (Addison Adams) yard to see the Northern Lights. East sits beside her to get to know her more.

  • Jaycee Castro (Marvalyn) and Trey Switzer (Steve) in “This Hurts” reading Steve’s list of things that hurt him because he can’t feel pain.

  • Glory (Aria Daffron) and East (Addison Adams) in “Her Heart” kiss after just meeting eachother seconds before Glory arrives to see the Northern Lights.
