Which Old Kentucky Chocolate Bar is Best?

Help us find out which bars are the best for fundraising. It’s supply and demand in action.

Business Managers CeCe Balog and Allison O’Hara are no strangers to fundraising. And they know the most profitable of all fundraisers is, you guessed it, candy sales. This year, PLD Lamplighter decided to sell candy bars from Old Kentucky Chocolates.

They ordered five flavors. Since part of being a business manager is to oversee fundraising and evaluate income streams for the program, CeCe and Allison decided to try new tactics this year, including a survey.  Choose your favorite flavors in the poll so we can decide what to order next year.

What is your favorite Old Kentucky Chocolate Bar?

  • Peanut Butter (46%, 42 Votes)
  • Milk Chocolate (18%, 16 Votes)
  • Caramel Truffle (14%, 13 Votes)
  • Krispy (11%, 10 Votes)
  • Almond (7%, 6 Votes)
  • Dark Chocolate (4%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 87

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Original Milk Chocolate isn’t too sweet, but also not too bitter.

Thoroughbred Truffle has gooey sweet and salty caramel inside.

Peanut Butter Meltaway has a sweet milk chocolate coating over a creamy peanut butter filling.

Almond has the same sweet, but slightly more nutty flavor.

Krispy Krunch has a smooth, and surprisingly sweet, dark chocolate with mixed with rice crisps.

Dark Chocolate is a slightly sweet dark cocoa powder filling.