Christmas Music is Superior
The most holly-jolly music is the best kind of music
Christmas music has long been (in my opinion) the best type of music to listen to. Here are some reasons why:
1. Christmas music instantly makes you happy with its cheerful beats and rhythm
When you turn on Christmas music, the sound of sleigh bells jingling and the upbeat voice of the singer instantly brings you joy. No matter what mood you are in, Christmas music can boost it.
“It reminds me of the joyful season of Christmas and the music puts a smile on my face,” said sophomore Alyssa Napier.
During the winter months, it is common for people to be down in the dumps with holiday blues or seasonal depression, so listening to Christmas music can help put you in a better mood. It’s just like the song Holly Jolly Christmas says, “It’s the best time of the year.”
2. It incites nostalgia
Another reason that Christmas music is better than all the rest is that it makes you think about the best time of year. To me, Christmas means winter break, family, amazing food, and presents under the tree.
When I hear a Christmas song on the radio, it brings back memories of sitting on the couch with warm hot chocolate in my hand and talking to my family.
It helps me get through the cold months of October and November until December finally gets here.
3. It is easy to memorize and sing-along to
Do you ever like a song and want to sing along but can’t because you don’t know the words? Well, that won’t happen with Christmas music because the lyrics are repetitive and catchy.
For example, in the song Jingle Bells, the phrase “jingle all the way…” is continually used, making it easier to sing-along to. This can be useful when you are in the car with your friends and don’t know the words to a popular song. A simple solution is to turn on your go-to Christmas playlist because everyone will know the words to all of the songs.
4. There is a large variety of Christmas music to choose from
Whether you enjoy rap, classical, pop, country, alternative, jazz, or something else, there is a Christmas song out there for you.
Songs like Jingle Bells and Joy to the World are more traditional Christmas songs.
Songs like Last Christmas and Baby It’s Cold Outside are examples of pop Christmas songs. This helps when friends prefer pop music to Christmas music. Turn on some Christmas pop and you get the best of both worlds. Everyone’s happy.
Some people enjoy instrumental Christmas music without any words at all.
“I like Carol of the Bells by the Trans Siberian Orchestra,” said sophomore Paley Conley.
This just goes to show that even though everyone enjoys different genres of music, everyone can enjoy Christmas music.
To wrap up (like a bow on a present), Christmas music is for everyone because of its large variety, repetition for easy to memorize lyrics, memories it brings back, and the smile that it puts on your face. This makes Christmas music rise to the top, trumping all other music genres.

Hi! I’m Ella Williams, a senior at Dunbar and one of the Editors-In-Chief of PLD Lamplighter. I focus on our weekly broadcast, WPLD. I have been in this...