2020 Halloween Guidelines
Beginning in March, holidays have been canceled due to the Covid-19 global DELETE “GLOBAL” pandemic. After almost 8 months, the pandemic has swept across the state of Kentucky. The state put precautions in place to help improve the health of Kentucky citizens.
This year’s Halloween may still continue but should be done with caution. No matter how fun this holiday may be, we are still living in a pandemic where it is unsafe to leave your house without a proper mask.
Halloween has always been a holiday to go out and socialize, but now with this pandemic what does this mean for us now? Governor Andy Beshear and Dr. Steven Stack recommend keeping your masks on under your costumes if you are going out. They have asked Kentuckians to adjust their expectation of Halloween this year.
*There is a PDF released that has guidance for Halloween with reminders, how to stay safe, and alternatives I would use that for some more information- Here is the link to it- Make sure to site it by saying something like “A document released by the state public health commissioner outlines how to celebrate Halloween safety.”*
Everyone should be advised to avoid haunted hayrides, haunted houses, or any other gathering in which you will not be able to socially distance yourself from others.
According to the Herald-Leader, “The state officially reported Lexington’s incidence rate as 28 per 100,000 people on Thursday, categorizing spread as “critical” and putting the county in the worst category, the “red zone.”
Kentucky has now reached a high level of Covid-19 putting all Kentuckians in a critical position at this time.

Hello, My name is Sonja Castro. I am a sophomore at Dunbar and this is my first year with Lamplighter, and I am really excited to get started. I am a...