Over 50 ACTs Cancelled
Students are hesitant to sign up for the ACT because of many recent cancellations due to safety guidelines with COVID-19.
As of last year, many colleges waved the ACT for incoming freshmen as a response to the global pandemic. But now some juniors at Dunbar are left wondering if their scores will be waived or if they need to take the test again.
“I think the planned ones will be canceled because it will be too much of a hassle to either have it all online or to have small groups of students come in at a time,” junior Hannah Chapman said.
Across the nation planned ACTs have been canceled by their testing centers. Over 50 sites have canceled the test for February 6th alone and it keeps climbing. As of now none of the February tests have been canceled in the state of Kentucky, but students and parents are still skeptical about signing up given the circumstances. You can learn more about the cancellations here at their website.
“I have not signed up for the ACT because I plan to take it my senior year,” Chapman said.
A surprising amount of students are choosing to wait until their senior year to take the test in what will hopefully be a less risky and safer environment for everyone.
“I have taken the ACT multiple times before…I hope to take it when Dunbar offers it and I haven’t signed up for a separate one,” junior Ben Bratten said.
While some are playing the waiting game others are already prepared, but just want to boost their scores in time for college applications. However, it’s a different story for many sophomores who were planning on taking the ACT this year.
Sophomores and Juniors are given the opportunity to take the ACT during school free of charge, but The Kentucky Department of Education canceled due to lack of funding.
“The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) was unable to secure the additional funding needed to test sophomores during spring 2021. Therefore, Grade 10 students will not take the state administration of the ACT during spring 2021.”
As the United States still struggles with COVID cases ACT testing has been derailed. It is still up in the air on whether colleges will waive the test for future students.

My name is Emma Poynter. I am a junior at Dunbar and this is my first year as a Staff Reporter at lamplighter. I joined the program to learn more about...