In God We Trust
Kentucky lawmakers required all Kentucky public schools to display the phrase “In God We Trust” in a visible area. Signs were required to be up by the time school started on Aug. 14, so many school districts had to figure out how to comply with the law.
According to FCPS Superintendent Manny Caulk, “Like every school district in the Commonwealth, Fayette County Public Schools has complied with the requirements of the new law to display the national motto in our schools.”
Dunbar students had mixed feelings about the way that FCPS has complied with the law. Some feel that the framing of the dollar bill was more fair and inclusive than painting the words across the office wall or hanging up a large banner.
“I’m glad we’re not putting up a giant sign,” junior Skye Gabbard said. “Some students don’t believe in God.”
Other students felt that the mere posting of a sign wouldn’t make a difference.
“I feel that putting it up is OK actually as long as they aren’t preaching it or something. If they did, then things would go wrong, but people can believe whatever they want,” said junior Jenny Lee.
And there were several students who said that they think it’s a waste of resources regardless of the religious aspect.
“It’s not what [Kentucky lawmakers] should be putting effort towards right now because hanging a sign isn’t going to do anything for schools,” said senior Katy Walsh.
Sophomore Emily Xiao agreed.
“I can’t see how anyone would benefit from [the sign]. I don’t necessarily think it will offend people, but I also don’t know how anyone will be better off with it in place.”

My name is Wenbo Fan and this is my fourth year on Lamplighter. Since starting Lamplighter freshman year, I’ve learned that journalism can change the...