Teachers’ First Day on NTI
Brooke Abell|September 10, 2020
Mrs. Kara Patterson teaches math from her classroom at Dunbar.
Ms. Angel Vowels teaches English Language Learners on the first day of school.
Mrs. Sharessa Crovo teaches social studies on the first day of NTI.
Mrs. Tiffany Marsh is ready to teach music to students on the first day of NTI.
Mrs. Karen Young, MSTC director, on the first day of classes.
Mrs. Angela Stack connects with students on the first day of NTI
Dr. Caryn Huber connects with students as NTI begins.
Mr. Ben Herzog teaches graphic arts from home during NTI.
Mrs. Anna Watts sets up the orchestra room to begin NTI.

My name is Brooke and this is my 4th year on staff. I am one of the writing editors in chief this year.
Ever since my freshman year in the program,...