Getting Ready for Shrek

The theater department is getting ready for the spring musical, so technical theater classes are busy at work making props.

Dunbar drama teacher, Mrs. Alicia Henning, is leading her class in preparation for Shrek the Musical. Students have learned multiple stitches this semester, and are putting their knowledge to the test by making sunflowers that will be used in the play.

“Don’t let stage fright keep you from joining the theatre community,” Mrs. Henning said. “There are a lot of roles to play in a production.”


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  • One way to prepare the set is to make props. This year, the production requires a lot of sunflowers.

  • Students spend time in their class making the props by hand.

  • Sewing isn’t just for FCS classes. Theatre kids learn this valuable skill as well.

  • Students work on machines and by hand to create sunflower decorations for the school musical.

  • The stitching techniques students learn are helpful in many ways.

  • Students learn how to use sewing machines, make their own decorations, and participate in the theater community.

  • Students enjoy working together to create handmade props and decorations for the musical.